Monday, January 16, 2012


Subject Knowledge:
If you are proposing the integration of a City rhythm in our current mapping systems, then this sounds complex, but very interesting. I feel I need some clarification as we process. Do you want to incorporate different rhythms (China) and thereby find a way to bring historical + contemporary into a map, but with meaning.
You correctly identify information systems and strategies, but also consider how temporal information is conveyed in GDC.

Research / Analysis:
Foucs on systems of GDC, rather than being outcome driven. Think about the interplay of static and moving with color, form and information. Look for case studies where this already exists.
Yes,  field research as well as architecture research will help. Remember there are lots of communities in Geography, space planning, Urban studies who will have published research you can access.

Just asking what City Rhythm is at this stage is good- keep it open. Don't assure it relates to information in print - what about ,3D protoyping modelling.

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