Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Unit 1 | Critical Research Paper | Outline

l   Which key theme/issue/problem is at the centre of your proposal? State this as a question.

To begin with, the key issue at the centre of the proposal is the relationship between “the city rhythm” and “the visual-oriented”. In this kind of project, the city rhythm in the contemporary design, especially the guide system design, will be explored deeply.

Today, the world’s acceleration of the urbanization process, has an imperceptibly influence on the contemporary design. Fast-paced design, explicit orientation and artistic visual guidance have become the necessities of buildings, all structures and city public facilities required for functional design. These designs are extensions on account of conveying information in graphic design.
London, which as one of the core creative industries in the world, has temporal spirited very forward-looking in contemporary art and design. Meanwhile, its long historical and cultural background, destine to leave many things worthwhile remembering such as the historical parks & streets in the wave of city in this fast-paced process. Their visual guidance systems must be worth careful studying and re-designing.

At the beginning of the investigation, those excellent guide designs will be investigated. Such as art galleries, museums, art areas and so on. In addition, some western cities, such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, etc. will also be visited and studied. In these cities to discover the rhythm of the city's design, will be in-depth analysis and reference.   

l   Breakdown your theme into issues and topics and describe them with a map and annotations. Do all your issues/topics remain in art and design or do you need to look at overlapping views from humanities, social sciences, technology, philosophy etc?

The issue of the theme is the relationship between “the city rhythm” and “the visual-oriented”. While, the main topic of the theme is integration of informationwhich can promote the development of graphic design. On the other words, the whole issue will be explored in the philosophy of the city. Similarly, as Anne Bush’s saying, ‘ Most designers, I believe, would agree that design has an important social role, and that design practice should be anchored in the very reality of its social consequences.’ ‘More important, it is this dialogic process that defines visual communication as a social activity.’ (2003.p.26) Therefore, as a designer, to explore the city rhythm and visual-oriented relationship is necessary. It could be argued that exploration of this relationship for the graphic design is also significant.

     Figure1: “the city rhythm” and “the visual-oriented”.

l   Where does your own viewpoint of the subject come from - what has shaped your beliefs?

The viewpoint of the subject comes from the book, which named ‘Design Without Boundaries’. It mentioned that ‘ In the course of the 1980s, the studio demonstrated time and again that it was possible for a progressive, even wayward, visual spirit to coexist with the most ordinary functional and commercial needs. Dumbar first designed the Spoorboekje, the Dutch railway timetables, n the early 1970s, with his team at Tel Design.’(1998, p.61) In my point of view, current design is no longer blindly to pursue innovation, this graduation thesis chases and conveys the concept of recreation so as to simplify the entities of sign system and enhance the sense of visual, while this functional expression can be traced back to further years.

It can be said that Bauhaus Institute of Design and Bauhaus design movement raised by it are the nouns immediately flashed in the brain while people talking about the design concept. People begin to face the reality emerging from industrial mass production, ‘The new design born on this basis uses functions as the objective.’ (Hara,2008,p.43)

Figure2: Rotterdam Railway

l   Identify key resources which you intend to use to direct the first stage of the research and explain what they offer potentially.

In the first stage, the key resources could be used are the field trips and books. Specifically, field trips allow the audience to establish an intuitive feel, while the participation of the audience can get timely and effective information. In a certain sense, it allows the audience to feel the rhythm of contemporary design in the city's influence. This resource is very important. Secondly, many classical case and analysis can be found in the book sources, it can optimize the information and get fastest into the theme which called city rhythm. For instance, the book, which named Guidance System Design (Uebele. A.2008. p.28) , gives me the potential methodology. It mentioned the word ‘information Integration’, which starts to play important role in various fields. Information integration is equally important in design field. As a result, this kind of method could help designers to analysis and redesign the work.

l   Attempt 1 relevant key reading and write down your analysis of that text in bullet points. Make clear what alternative or sympathetic viewpoints it offers to your own.

In the Guidance System Design, it mentioned the “Information Integration”. It could be argued that long with leap of the information technology, the word “Information Integration” starts to play important role in various fields. Information integration is equally important in design field. For designers, it is particularly important to regulate and integrate such multi-level information and scope as subjective and objective, ration and perception into different media. Information integration is the process to optimize allocation of information resources, expand application areas of information resources and maximize value of information. A final point worth considering is that this methodology can be applied to study relationship between the city rhythm and the visual-oriented, which could be very important and far-reaching.
l   Bibliography
    1. Heller S. & Vienne V. (2003) Citizen designer: perspectives on design responsibility,   
      New York: Allworth Press.
    2. Poynor R. (1998) Design without Boundaries. Visual Communication in Transition.
    3. Hara K.(2008) DESIGN OF DESIGN, Jinan: Shandong People's Publishing House.
    4. Uebele A.(2008) Guidance System Design, Beijing: China Youth Press

l   Appendices:
    1. Figure1: “the city rhythm” and “the visual-oriented”.
    2. Figure2: Rotterdam Railway

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